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MPCCC becomes member site in OMICO national clinical trial network (ONCTN)
MPCCC and Omico have signed an MOU that saw MPCCC become a member site in Omico national clinical trial network (ONCTN). This MOU sets out a framework for Omico and MPCCC to work collaboratively to maximise patient access to a greater range of clinical trials through the co-ordinated distribution of clinical trials across ONCTN member sites.
The main goals and objectives agreed upon under this MOU are to:
(a) help develop a systematic approach to increase Australian commercial clinical trials capacity and engagement for biomarker-dependent trials;
(b) attract and facilitate the conduct of commercially sponsored clinical trials in Australia and
(c) increase the number of treatment options available to molecularly screened cancer patients, through clinical trials.
MPCCC as an ONCTN site will be driving change and shaping the future by contributing to a national collaborative precision oncology research ecosystem.